Become a Sponsor
We love connecting with community members and businesses. If you have questions about becoming a sponsor, don't hesitate to reach out. We'd like to connect with you and explain the different ways you can become involved in the Smith County Junior Livestock Show and support the students and their futures.
Donate to the Scholarship Fund
Each year, we provide scholarships to Smith County students who participate in the SCJLS and are engaged individuals in their schools and community. If you would like to be a part of these student's futures, please consider donating to our scholarship fund.
Donate to the Buyer's Group
Our Buyer's Group is in charge of reaching out to local businesses for donations. These funds are used solely for the purpose of bidding on projects during our Friday auction. If you are unable to attend our auction or would like to donate to our Buyer's Group, please contact us, and we'd love to get in contact with you.
Donate to the Jackpot Show
A new opportunity has risen for the Smith County Junior Livestock Show. A winter jackpot show will take place to help raise funds for the SCJLS Sale of Champions and provide students with the chance to gain some practice in the ring. Funds toward the Stock-N-Stuff Jackpot Show will cover the cost of the event with the remaining funds going toward the Sale of Champions and the scholarship fund.